S6 Episode 5 – How to throw a birthday party your kid will actually enjoy – Parental As Anything ABC Podcast

You decorate, bake and plan the perfect birthday party – only for your child to have a complete meltdown on the day. So, how do you throw a celebration your kid will actually enjoy?

Genevieve Muir, of Connected Parenting, joins Parental As Anything host Maggie Dent to share tips for parents on how to plan a party kids will love, what to do if kids become overstimulated and how to include neurodivergent children in big, noisy parties.

LISTEN HERE: #S6 Episode 5 – How to throw a birthday party your kid will actually enjoy 

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Disclaimer: The advice provided in this podcast is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. If you require further advice specific to your needs please consult a professional.