Helping our girls to be heard

In this month’s ‘Maggie Moment’, Maggie talks about how important it is to enable our young girls’ voices to be heard. In 2021, we heard a lot about the voices of girls and women being silenced in our classrooms, businesses, and the halls of our parliament. That’s part of what inspired Maggie to write her new book Girlhood.

In this video, Maggie talks about how the early years of a girl’s life (up to 8 or so) are when girls form a sense of who they are and their place in the world. Yet there are still some social norms at play that suggest girls need to be nice, quiet and people pleasers who put everyone else before themselves.

Maggie suggests a few strategies to ensure our daughters have the opportunity to overcome these societal expectations, to be their authentic selves and above all to be healthy, happy and heard.

Maggie’s new book, Girlhood: Raising Our Little Girls to be Healthy, Happy and Heard is out now. Order on ebook, audiobook or in print. Get all the details here.

You might also be interested in catching the replays of her masterclasses with Steve Biddulph on Raising Mighty Girls, or her masterclass about tween/teen girls with Michelle Mitchell, Understanding Our Gorgeous, Confused Girls.
