Resources to support families in lockdown during COVID-19

To support parents throughout this time, I’d like to gift you several resources to help you have a calmer home and a more resilient family.

Building Children’s Resilience eBook

In our ever-changing, uncertain world it is important to understand what resilience is and how to build that in our children. Building Children’s Resilience is a ‘pocket guide’ to helping you develop your child’s capacity for building coping and enabling abilities, as well as help-seeking strategies and tangible life skills to help them navigate the world ahead. It outlines 10 key building blocks for children birth-12.

Taking the High Road eBook

This book is an essential guide for 12-25-year-olds to help them access the part of themselves that knows what’s right for us each as individuals. The book covers a range of topics including finding your spark, reading your personality map, breaking the circuit on negative self-talk, sleeping better, being a good friend, and thriving when things get really tough. The book also includes a link to the Relax and Escape audio relaxation track.

A Dog’s Life Wisdom

In the chaos of everyday life, it is easy to forget the simple things that can help us to breathe more easily, love more enthusiastically and live more joyfully. A Dog’s Life Wisdoms is a humorous, insightful and poignant look at living a meaningful life through the eyes of a very wise dog. It contains 21 succinct wisdoms that remind us how to be in the world, how to laugh and how to land on all fours when life tries to knock you flat.

Free audio tracks…

I also have four free audio tracks that will be useful for anyone in your household…

Sleepytime & Safe ‘N Sound

These 2 free audio tracks may be useful to parents who are facing a sleepless night with their children, and in situations where children are particularly distressed, or in the wake of a disaster or crisis. In each, I use the image of a giant protector to help children create their own sense of safety. Music copyright Robert J Boyd.

Flight Fantasy

In Flight Fantasy I use breath, colour, music and the imagery of a bird in flight to take anyone over the age of 8 on a relaxing, contemplative journey. This track takes you to a place of quietness where you can connect with your fullest human potential and the way in which you are called to express that. It’s been very helpful for adolescents who are indecisive about their future or for people in transition like after a loss of job or a redundancy, which is why I am offering it right now as our world is in such flux.

Moonlight Relaxation for Mums

This audio relaxation was created several years ago as a gift for mums and mother figures to celebrate Mother’s Day. In it we use deep breathing to release tension, stress, anxiety and frustration, and to calm the inner war that exists within many of our minds. In a way, giving yourself this time to relax is a way of nurturing and honouring yourself – giving yourself a gift instead of the ‘burnt chop’ we mums often end up with!

Additional resources

I would encourage all parents to read my articles Coping With Corona Chaos, Gentle steps to Recovery , Why Boys can Find Isolation Particularly Difficult, Helping Kids to Cope with Lockdown 2nd Time Around, A New Normal: Back to School After Isolation… and please check out my regularly updated Top tips and links for families in isolation. I also wrote for ABC Life about Parenting an Only Child Through the Pandemic  and How to Help Stop Your Kids Fighting During Periods of High Stress.


Gentle Steps to Recovery

As flattening the curve is happening across parts of the world and particularly in Australia ...


Top tips and links for families in isolation

Please note we would recommend you visit any of these sites mentioned on this page ...


Fidgeting & Farts: Boys in isolation

I have had a number of desperate parents reaching out for advice and suggestions on ...


How to help your kids stop fighting at times of high stress

Maggie wrote for ABC Life about the challenges that the recent isolation during COVID-19 has ...


Parenting an only child through the coronavirus pandemic

Maggie wrote for ABC Life about the challenges for parents of only children… READ THE ...

Several episodes of the podcast I host for the ABC, Parental As Anything were devoted to parenting in this pandemic too. Check out the episodes we did on how to talk to kids about coronavirus, working from home, supporting kids to learn from home, going it alone in lockdown (whether a single parent or parenting an only child) and reducing conflict in your home during these trying times. I spoke with some wonderful people for these episodes including Dr Kristy Goodwin, Dr Prue Salter, Michelle Mitchell and Dr Justin Coulson. I also made this video with the ABC on Talking to Kids About Coronavirus which may be helpful to revisit as we deal with these new variants.

If you look at nothing else, please check out my suite of “Maggie Soother” videos, which offer simple exercises, tips and strategies for kids and adults to ease the anxiety and stress that families may be experiencing during these uncertain times.

Maggie's Soothers


The importance of breath in anxious times – Maggie Soother 1

In this video, Australian parenting educator Maggie Dent shares the first of a series of ...


Tapping K27 for calm – Maggie Soother 2

In this “Maggie Soother” from one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors, Maggie shows us how ...


Helping kids (& us) to fall asleep – Maggie Soother 3

In this “Maggie Soother” from one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors, Maggie talks about how ...


The power of a SIGH – Maggie Soother 4

This “Maggie Soother” from Australian parenting author Maggie Dent explores the power of SIGHING in ...


The importance of breath in anxious times – Maggie Soother 1

In this video, Australian parenting educator Maggie Dent shares the first of a series of ...


Tapping K27 for calm – Maggie Soother 2

In this “Maggie Soother” from one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors, Maggie shows us how ...


Helping kids (& us) to fall asleep – Maggie Soother 3

In this “Maggie Soother” from one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors, Maggie talks about how ...


The power of a SIGH – Maggie Soother 4

This “Maggie Soother” from Australian parenting author Maggie Dent explores the power of SIGHING in ...


Round & round the garden – Maggie Soother 5

In this “Maggie Soother”, one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors draws from a childhood nursery ...


Gentle head hold – Maggie Soother 6

In this “Maggie Soother”, Australian parenting author Maggie Dent shares a simple technique to use ...


Colour breathing – Maggie Soother 7

Here’s another “Maggie Soother” for adults and children to use as they adjust to life ...


A parental pause – Maggie Soother 8

Are you feeling a bit triggered at times as you all live in close quarters ...


Soothing yourself with warmth – Maggie Soother 9

In this “Maggie Soother”, Maggie Dent talks about how warmth helps us feel calmer. She ...


Creating an imaginary protector – Maggie Soother 10

In this “Maggie Soother”, parenting author Maggie Dent talks about the power of the imagination ...


The power of lightness & laughter – Maggie Soother 11

In this “Maggie Soother”, parenting author Maggie Dent reminds us of the power of bringing ...


Helping high-energy kids be calm – Maggie Soother 12

In this “Maggie Soother”, one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors talks about the fact that ...


Soft toys – Maggie Soother 13

In this “Maggie Soother”, parenting author Maggie Dent reminds us that soft toys are very ...


The magic of the ‘tickle spot’ – Maggie Soother 14

Maggie shares the magical tickle spot with us – the point high on our back ...


Fill your house with fun, happy memories – Maggie Soother 15

In this “Maggie Soother”, Maggie suggests an activity for the whole family — finding and ...


Casting worries aside – Maggie Soother 16

In this “Maggie Soother”, parenting author Maggie Dent talks about a process that she used ...

Resources for coping with death, loss or trauma


All unexpected change causes stress. When this change is significant, and lasts more than a week, it becomes distress and involves a sense of loss. Distress impacts deeply on several levels and children are particularly vulnerable to its damaging effects. Death, social dislocation, prolonged absence of loved ones and unexpected change that lasts causes stress to children and adolescents. For my full range of resources on death and loss, please click here. Otherwise, below are some key resources which we hope will help support you and your family at this time.


I would encourage you to take a look at my articles below but also for parents and school staff who are worried about the risk of suicide in their communities please read this excellent post from the CEO of Enlighten Education, Dannielle Miller. It is full of practical advice and links to further resources for help and support.


Death through the Eyes of a Child

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge That myth is more potent than history. ...


When children lose someone they love

In my life before becoming an author I worked around death and dying a lot. ...


Helping boys understand loss and death

From Boys to Men: guiding our teen boys to grow into happy, healthy men For ...


Supporting your teen through grief

When I was running seminars for teens, I noticed one afternoon working with some 14- ...

Video blogs

I have several video blogs for families on the subject of loss and death, including:


Talking to kids about sudden, tragic death

In this “Maggie Moment”, one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors Maggie Dent talks about how ...


When Children Fear Death

In this “Maggie Moment” Australian parenting author, educator and resilience specialist Maggie Dent talks about ...


Preparing children for a death

In this ‘Maggie Moment’ Maggie talks about helping children to prepare for the death of ...

Support Services Directory

Please remember you are not alone at this time… if you need support for yourself, your child or your family, reach out. Find help here.